Animal Crossing New Horizons : 35 idées déco que vous allez adopter immédiatement

21 juillet 2020 à 15h30 dans Jeux vidéo

Dernier opus de la licence de Nintendo, Animal Crossing: New Horizons a ouvert le champ des possibles. Les possibilités de personnalisation ont été agrandies, notamment grâce à l'arrivée de la terraformation. Accessible une fois les 3 étoiles obtenues, cette nouvelle fonctionnalité permet de créer l'île de vos rêves, et ce jusque dans les moindres recoins. Outre la terraformation, les joueurs usent des motifs ainsi que des objets pour décorer au mieux leur île. Des joueurs créatifs qui n'hésitent pas à partager leurs créations avec le monde entier. Et si vous avez besoin d'aide pour vous inspirer, voici 35 idées déco qui devraient vous aider à y voir plus clair. 

Animal Crossing New Horizons : 35 idées déco que vous allez adopter immédiatement


My island is ready for summer! from r/AnimalCrossing


It’s not as amazing as other people’s islands, but I’m very proud of my little dog park. from r/AnimalCrossing


On cold rainy nights, grab a hot cup of pear cider from the Cat House Pub from r/AnimalCrossing


Put the giant isopod in front of a computer now it look like it is doing some sciences from r/AnimalCrossing


Got a lot of inspiration from here but wanted to share my fruit islands! from r/AnimalCrossing


Took a picture of my bridge at night and Wisp was in it! from r/AnimalCrossing


Welcome to the jungle! This is the first thing visitors see when they land at my island. from r/AnimalCrossing


My Ghibli inspired witch's study from r/AnimalCrossing


things don't always end well for the villagers on my island... from r/AnimalCrossing


My tavern, The Tipsy Turtle, is now open for business! from r/AnimalCrossing


Gulliver washed up at the bar today... Coincidence? I think not from r/AnimalCrossing


My friend’s spa entrance. He doesn’t have a Reddit account so I help him posted here. from r/AnimalCrossing


Made a beach wash off and changing area! from r/AnimalCrossing


Finally finished my tiered residential area! Three different levels with three different aesthetics ^^ from r/AnimalCrossing


I wanted to make my entrance feel cozier and more mountainous...this is what I came up with. I hope you all like it :D from r/AnimalCrossing


I knew Cousin would return one day! And it only took him 50 years! from r/AnimalCrossing


Welcome to Turtle Beach! The shell stools look like little turtle shells so I made little turtle bodies for them to sit on from r/AnimalCrossing


the new update inspired me to make this little diving area! from r/AnimalCrossing


Tore down my ironwood kitchen for this from r/AnimalCrossing


I made a bridge over a cliff.. but it’s broken from r/AnimalCrossing


Basement library bar from r/AnimalCrossing


A nice way to add to nooks cranny from r/AnimalCrossing


Always annoyed me that my resident services was off centre, but finally designed an entrance that makes the space look bigger! (Before/after) from r/AnimalCrossing


I was inspired by the spider webs, so I made an old abandoned house from r/AnimalCrossing


6 rocks, 4 pond-stone seasons, 11 rotating bush types, Seperate areas for each rock drop with indicators of where to hit, 2 months IRL. Yup, my rock garden is complete! from r/AnimalCrossing


My attempt at a treehouse from r/AnimalCrossing


Ka-boom!!! from r/AnimalCrossing


A small beachside pool area, day vs night! from r/AnimalCrossing


Come on in and enjoy some comics from r/AnimalCrossing


My paper lantern direction signs. They're simple but I hope you like them from r/AnimalCrossing


Simple way to decorate Able’s Boutique from r/AnimalCrossing


They are not hedge standees. They are smoke standees! from r/AnimalCrossing


Just wanna share this Japanese rural town inspired island I'm working on! from r/AnimalCrossing


My (functional) fairytale rock garden from r/AnimalCrossing


A simple way to decorate small spaces from r/AnimalCrossing

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Après un Master en Journalisme à l'IEJ, j'intègre définitivement la rédaction d'Hitek en 2017. Passionné de jeux vidéo, de nouvelles technologies, de science-fiction et de pancakes, je me complais à partager mes centres d'intérêts avec le plus grand nombre. Toujours partant pour un Jägerbomb en terrasse.

Articles de Guillaume Chagot
Source(s) : Reddit
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